In this section, you will be able to view some of the different types of archives and resources that we used in order to get our information for our research.
The archives available for the House of Industry and Refuge include:
The Register of Paupers, Vagrants, & Idiots received at the House of Industry and Refuge
Death Register Burial Entries
Minutes of the Standing Committee for the House of Industry and Refuge
Keeper’s Cash Account (also called Cashbooks)
House and Farm Expenditures
Book of Letter Transcriptions (1865-1909)
Residents’ Complaints & Treatments from 1935-1944
All of these records were provided by the Region of Waterloo Archives
Other resources that we used for our research include:
The Journal of the Proceedings & By-Laws of the Municipal Council of the County of Waterloo (1854-1964)
Newspaper articles from the archives at the Kitchener Public Library
Canadiana Records
City of Kitchener Archives
Region of Waterloo Museum archives
Board of Health in Kitchener
Ontario Sessional Papers
William Jaffray’s and Mabel Dunham’s accounts of the Poorhouse
Waterloo Generations
Below you are able to view some of the archives that we have been working with in their original format.