Frederick (1820-1909) and Rosena Schlegel (1820-1908) were one of a handful of elderly couples that came to stay in the Poorhouse. They were both born in Germany and came to Canada sometime in the mid-1850s as they were married in 1852 in Germany. They settled in Waterloo County when Frederick started working as a shoe maker, a job he would keep for the rest of his life. They had four children together: Charles (1853-), who was their only child born in Germany, Frederick (1855-), Edmund (1857-1939), and Sophia (1860-).

Frederick and Rosena were being cared for by their grand-daughter, Honors Schlegel, their son, Charles’, daughter, right up until they entered the Poorhouse on November 14, 1907 (inmates #1844 and #1855 respectively).  

They both remained at the House until their deaths. Rosena died on October 5, 1908 from “general debility” which she had been suffering from for several months.


Rosena’s Death Certificate; Source:


Frederick died on August 29, 1909, the cause was unknown.


Frederick’s Death Certificate; Source:


The couple left behind what little money they had to their grand-daughter, Honors. Herbert J. Bowman wrote to the County Solicitor of Waterloo County to ensure that Honors would be given a sum of the money from the title deeds on their property. Below is the letter from the Region of Waterloo Archives:


Nov. 14th, 1907.

Alex. Millar, Esq., K.C.,

County Solicitor,


Dear Sir,

Mr. John Amos of the Township of Waterloo has just brought an old couple to the House of Refuge, namely, J. Frederick Schlegel and wife. They have a little property, the title deeds of which I enclose herewith. It is their desire that this be made over to the County except that the sum of $84 $120 be paid to their grand-daughter Honors Schlegel of the Township of Wilmot, for looking after them during the last seven ten months.

Kindly take steps at the earliest date possible under Chap.68, 6 Ed.VII to get the County Judge’s order vesting this property in the County Treasurer.

Yours very truly,

Herbert J. Bowman

County Clerk.